Murder Mystery Halloween Dinner (dressed up as fisherman and his catch)
January 11, 2018
Antiquing at Odana Antiques
April 15, 2018
b-day dinner with friends
April 15, 2018
Sharing some iced tea
June 21, 2018
Afternoon tea at Legacy House Imports
January 30, 2019
Doing face masks during a polar vortex!
"What to do when a polar vortex comes to town?
Step 1: Put on the tea kettle
Step 2: Put your hair up in a messy bun
Step 3: Do a face mask
Step 4: Consume a large quantity of snacks
Step 5: TV/Movie Marathon
Step 6: Put the tea kettle on again
Step 7: Pizza
Step 8: Kiss your boyfriend's nose
Step 9: Look at cute things on Etsy and EBay
Step 10: Throw boiling water off the porch"
February 14, 2019
Valentine's dinner at Sardine
June 21, 2019
Laying on the beach
"Two years with this guy and a spontaneous middle of the night trip to Lake Michigan to watch the sunrise"
August 29, 2019
Sunflower Field at Pope Farm Conservancy
"Happiness lives inside the smallest moments... take time to drift through the wind."
November 20, 2019
forehead kisses and thrifting at St. Vinny's
April 11, 2020
Shabby chic tea party
June 27, 2020
Strawberry pickin'
July 09, 2020
"bird kiss"
August 08, 2020
Tea and charcuterie
November 08, 2020
Trailin' around Lake Kegonsa
"Our new fave silly kiss is called, “the delayed smooch.” It’s when you touch lips, pull away without a smooch sound, and then you smooch the air."
December 13, 2020
Car ride with Kevin the baby kindness gnome
May 06, 2021
Hiking a new trail in our matchy matchy bucket hats
May 18, 2021
Magnolia trees at the Arboretum
June 20, 2021
Antiquing adventures
June 21, 2021
Picnic at Lake Mills
October 02, 2021
Moved into condo!
October 04, 2021
Picking apples and raspberries
July 16, 2022
Pizza night!
September 05, 2022
For the Love of Flowers- Flower Farm
November 06, 2022
Sunset in Door County
April 16, 2023
Country drive fun
April 29, 2023
Springing Forth 4/29/23
Birds flying
And chirping their song
Nesting and caring
For their babies above
Frogs croak
In the distance
In a beautiful chorus of life
A gentle breeze
Pouring in sweetly
The days are getting longer
A sense of healing
The repeated refrains of nature
Opening the door once again
Dawn after night
And spring after winter
Take a deep breath in
Deeply breathe out
Open your eyes
Blossoms begin
Painting the trees
As they spring forth
Their green leaves
The ground comes alive
The bugs hum a tune
Butterflies and aphids
will be here soon
Baby seedlings
Growing inside
Getting ready
For their big debut outside
The fresh smell of rain
As the earth wakes up once more
The excitement and joy
It cannot be contained
Where there is joy
There is mourning
But new life wiggles up
Even through that barren dirt
We call hurt
There is beauty in all
Remember to listen
Step back and breathe
For when you look up
With a new perspective
You will see
It IS all around
No matter the season
And the dew that is YOU
The dew that has always been there
THAT is when
You will truly glisten